Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Over

Well, all good things must come to an end. It's been an incredible journey, one filled with laughter, love, headaches, mood swings and (towards the end) an inability to sleep. In the back of my mind, I knew it couldn't last forever but I'm amazed our partnership lasted as long as it did. 

Oh Mountain Dew, I will miss you.

After a 15 year love affair, I've decided to slowly separate myself from this scrumptious green fizzy drink. I'm actually having mild anxiety over this decision because, let's be honest, I still LOVE the stuff. I don't care that the target audience is pimple faced 17 year old males that watch the X-games and hate their parents. I don't care that it has so much sugar, dentists can quickly identify patients with "Mountain Dew Syndrome" because of all their tooth decay. And I don't care that most adults take one sip and tell me it tastes like pure corn syrup with a hint of citrus. 

But I do care that it's finally starting to make me sick. After years of chugging this delicious neon narcotic, I can no longer ignore the fact that I am getting headaches for no reason (I'm drinking so much water there is no way I'm dehydrated, but it was my first guess). I feel like puking around 4:30 almost everyday and yesterday, it all became clear that I couldn't continue on this path. 

Josh and I had to work out late (I had library duty until 8 and he had choir until 8:45). We were scheduled to do Ken Po X (my favorite!) but as soon as I started the jumping jacks, I knew I wouldn't make it. 20 jabs and a few downward dogs later, I'm sitting in the chair, watching Josh complete the workout without me (insert my super sad face). And I realized this wasn't the first time I've felt this way, and surely wouldn't be the last. As I crawled into bed with an icepack over my face, arranging myself in the fetal position, I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer. Mountain Dew and I needed to break up.

So today, as I type this, I'm saying good bye. I had a few "farewell" sips and chucked the rest into the garbage. Will this last? Will I have major caffeine withdrawal? Only time will tell. 


  1. I hate to admit it, but I probably have to kick the habit at some point as well.
