Friday, December 14, 2012

Snowstorms, Bad Ideas and a Sneak Peek

The past weekend, we got hit with our first official snowstorm of the season. And while Josh and I were excited to see how beautiful the house would look with a few inches of fluffy white stuff, we definitely were not prepared for the whopping 16 inches that fell in Saint Louis Park.

So on Sunday, while most people had made soup, curled up in front of the television and sworn off driving for the day, Josh had the brilliant idea to move some of our stuff into the new house.

This was a very, very bad idea.

First, it took us 20 minutes to get our cars free from all the snow in the parking lot. And then we realized Josh's boots were (where else) already packed and sitting in the basement of our new house. Determined to show Mother Nature her pesky flakes could not weaken our resolve, we packed both our cars and headed over to the new place.

For those of you unfamiliar with our home, it sits atop a hill - giving us a phenomenal view of downtown Minneapolis (especially at night). Like Shel Silverstein's Giving Tree, this beautiful hill also gave us a valuable insight: the tires on Josh's car suck. And as hard as those tires tried, they couldn't get him up the hill and to the driveway.

I managed to get my trusty Honda close enough to the driveway so I could trudge through our snowy driveway and get Josh his snow gear. Josh, unfortunately, had to go park his car at the gas station (that is at least four blocks away) and WALK back up the hill and up to the house.

As soon as we got into our garage, we received another surprise: the snow shovel was missing (yes, the one we used to remove our raccoon earlier) and the newly tuned-up snowblower had no gasoline. Awesome.

So we "cleared" a tiny path up the driveway to the house with push brooms, determined to move our crap into the basement. As we sat there, knee deep in snow and with no gloves (because we're both winners and forgot them) Josh looks at me and says "So on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate me right now?"

I kept on sweeping and calmly replied "oh, about a 14, give or take." We laughed. We couldn't stop laughing because, that's all you can do when you're in the middle of a really bad idea.

But here is the good news: we have some exciting sneak peeks for everyone below!

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