Friday, September 30, 2011

Hydration = Duct Tape of Health

"You're probably dehydrated." 

If my husband is reading this, I guarantee he is rolling his eyes and swearing under his breath. The number of times I've uttered this phrase in his presence during our (nearly) four years together is astronomical.  Its occurrence is right up there with "I love you" and "I'm reading."

In my world, hydration is the duct tape to any medical condition that ails you. Headache? You're dehydrated. Muscles sore? You're dehydrated. Gangrene? I'd say dehydration is part of the problem. Never mind there is no scientific evidence to back up most of my claims; I haughtily insist drinking a few glasses of nature's cocktail will cure everything.  

To demonstrate my allegiance to this credo, I bought the biggest water bottle I could find last week at the grocery store. I'll be honest: it looks like a mini-culigan water jug. In fact, it makes the same noise when I drink out of it because it's so damn big. How big is it you ask? 

A half gallon.

That's right. That half gallon of milk it takes us two weeks to polish off, I decided an H2O version PER DAY at work was a good idea. *glug, glug, glug* (that's me taking a swig from my pretty blue bottle). 

Are you mocking me yet? Yeah, I don't blame you.

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